Readers ======= In PyCVF, readers are kind of iterators that are : 1. *seekable* , 2. *copyable* , 3. Measurable, 4. provide a built-in call back mechanism to set up observers related to them, 5. may provide *metadata* Readers are used for audio, video and other spectral unidimensional data that may not fit into memory, they provide a way to get reasonable chunk fo data through a lazy mechanism. Reader provide different methd for accessing the data. The first method consist on seek and let it play paragigm. Classical, usage will be :: reader.seek_to(targetpos) reader.set_observer(xxx) The other strategy is a seek base method:: for frameno in range(len(reader)): reader[frameno] Temporality ........... A reader for sound will return buffers . The granularity will thus be at the buffer level. To access the sample level, other objects must be used. A reader for video will return images. User must be able to seek with frameno, or to seek by timecode. Subsequence Reader .................. * Slicing / restricting time range Mapped Reader ............. * Modifying each span of data Incremental Reduce Reader ......................... * Modifying each span of data Methods ....... * copy() * seek_to * getitem * set_observer * run * get_current_frame() * get_next_frame() Audio metadata .............. 1. get_channels() 2. get_samplerate() 3. get_datatype() Video metadata .............. 1. get_size() 2. get_orig_size() 3. get_aspect_ratio() When copied, each reader conserve its own position, The copied iterator does not heritate from the observer. Audio data ========== Audio data are provided as numpy array with 2 dimensions. * First dimension is the time axis. * Second dimension are the channels. Image data ========== The data itself ............... An image is assumed to be a numpy array with 2 or 3 three dimensions, whose value are assumed to be in-between in-between 0 and 255, if is represented by an integer/ and in-between 0 and 1 if it is represented by floats. It is the responsabilabity of each node to check the representation of the data. The metadata that are meant to be set.. Video data ========== * Are readers returning image Optical flow data =================