Django_pycvf ================================= Django_pycvf is a package of PyCVF that aims at building a web frontend to the toolkit that allow users that don't want to learn about the insights of PyCVF to easily use PyCVF. Security warning related to Django_pycvf ---------------------------------------- We would like to remind again, that a Django_pycvf without password would be like an open gate to your data for hackers. Hence do not provide Django_pycvf as public website unless you really know what you are doing, and understand the reasons of this warning. Installing Django_pycvf ----------------------- You need first to install the package for django_pycvf :: pycvf-admin instpack Then you must go to the directory of the package. In order to create the initial database and create one superuser with a password :: python syncdb Note that is is mandatory to create a superuser account, and that you shall use this account later for login. Running Django_pycvf -------------------- In order to run it, you must first install PyCVF. It is then advised that you run a batch server on the local computer or on remote host :: pycvf_remote_job_server Then to run the website as development server, you just have to run the development server of django on the 8000 :: cd django_pycvf python runserver If you have already a server running on Port 8000 may specify and alternate port number by doing :: cd django_pycvf python runserver 8000 You may then login on computer by using the url :: firefox http://localhost:8000/